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MS Power Point

PowerPoint is the powerful and ubiquitous presentation program from Microsoft. It gives you the facility to create stunning presentations that incorporate video and PowerPoint animations. The image editing capabilities that PowerPoint offer get better and better with every new version. Starting to learn Microsoft PowerPoint can seem like a daunting task if you are not familiar with its environment. The tutorials you see listed on this page are designed to take beginners by the hand and to teach them the basics of using the program. As you gain confidence, more advanced subjects will be explained. Before you know it, you'll be a Microsoft PowerPoint guru and you'll be helping out other people who are beginners themselves.
These PowerPoint tutorials are still being worked on, so stay tuned for their completion!

Creating A New And Opening An Existing Presentation

  • Creating A New Presentation
  • Creating A New Presentation Based On A Template
  • Opening An Existing Presentation

PowerPoint Basic Tasks

  • Adding New Slides
  • Deleting Slides
  • Moving Slides
  • PowerPoint Views
  • Modifying Backgrounds


  • Applying PowerPoint Templates
  • Creating Your Own PowerPoint Template

PowerPoint Text

  • Using Textboxes
  • Content Placeholders
  • Formatting Text


  • Insert PowerPoint Image
  • Using Clipart Images
  • PowerPoint Transitions
  • Creating Animations
  • Adding Sounds

Miscellaneous PowerPoint Tasks

  • PowerPoint Spell Check
  • Running The Slideshow
  • Pointer Options
  • Saving Presentations
  • Saving As A Web Page
  • Printing Presentations

=> Creating A New And Opening An Existing Presentation

  • Creating A New PowerPoint Presentation From Scratch

There are a variety of ways of creating your PowerPoint presentation, and one of them is to start from scratch. In doing so, you are creating your presentation from a blank presentation, and you have much more flexibility over how it looks. In another tutorial, we will look at how to create a presentation using templates, but for now, to start from scratch click the File tab > New, and the following panel will be displayed (click the image to see a larger version).
Create a PowerPoint presentation from scratch Ensure that Blank presentation is selected. You can click on the thumbnail image to select it if it isn't, and then click Create (see hints in the image above). A new presentation based on a blank presentation opens for you to start work on. As soon as you can, save the presentation so you don't lose any changes. Learn how to save your presentation.
If you want to sacrifice flexibility for speed, you may prefer instead to create a presentation using a template.

  • Creating A New Presentation Based On A Template
  • One way of creating a presentation is to start from scratch. However, you can save time and effort if you base your new presentation on a template. A template defines the background, font styles, colors and sizes for your placeholders, as well as selected bullets that match the template. Using a template means that you don't need to worry about defining those aspects yourself. PowerPoint comes with a number of stylish templates built in that you can use immediately, and you can download additional ones from office.com.
    To create a PowerPoint presentation using a template, click the File tab > New, and the following panel will be displayed.
    Create a PowerPoint presentation based on a template Clicking on a template category will display thumbnail images of all the templates within that category. When you find a template you like the look of, click on its thumbnail to select it and you will see a preview of it on the right of the panel. You can then click Create to create your PowerPoint presentation based on this template.
    Preview of a PowerPoint template Sometimes you just can't find a template that precisely matches what you need, and in these circumstances, what many people do is use a template that is the closest fit and then modify it.
    There are many free templates available from within PowerPoint, and also freely downloadable from other websites on the internet. In addition to using those that ship with PowerPoint, you can also purchase stylish and professionally designed templates for PowerPoint presentations from vendors like Smile Templates.

    • Open Existing Presentations          
    There are several reasons why you might need to open an existing Microsoft PowerPoint presentation instead of creating a new one. You might have previously saved an incomplete presentation and now need to dos ome more work on it. Alternatively, you might want to open a complete presentation and actually run it for an audience. Whatever the reason, opening an existing presentation is quite easy.
    Start PowerPoint and then click the File tab > Open. The usual Open file dialogue box that you may already be familiar with opens and you use this to locate your presentation.
    Open an existing PowerPoint template
    When you find your presentation, either double click it to open it, or select it and then click Open. The presentation will then open for you to either work on it or run it.
    The keyboard shortcut for opening a presentation the same as that for opening existing documents in other Microsoft Office programs: ctrl-o.

    => PowerPoint Basic Tasks

    • Adding New Slides
    There are a couple of ways to add a new slide. In each way, the slide that is currently selected is important as the new slide will be placed after the selected one. This means that if you want to insert a slide before the end of the presentation, you will need to select the slide that appears before the one you want to insert. To select the slide, just click on it. You can select the slide in whichever view you happen to be using, whether it's Slides View or Outline View.
    Once you have selected a slide, click Home > Slides > New Slide. You'll notice that the New Slide button is in two halves.
    Add a new slide If you click the top half of the New Slide button, the default Title and Content type slide will be added. If, instead, you click the bottom half of the button, you will be able to select what type of slide is added.
    Choos what slide type to add Once the new slide has been added, you can click into one of the editable content boxes to make your changes.
    The keyboard shortcut for adding new slides is ctrl-m.

    • Deleting Slides

    Getting Rid Of Slides We Don't Want

    Now that you've learned how to add slides to a presentation, the time has come to learn how to delete unwanted slides. Deleting slides can be performed in three ways. Select the slide and then
    • Press the delete key on the keyboard
    • Pres the backspace key on the keyboard
    • Right click on the slide and select Delete Slide
    Also, there are a variety of places that you can delete the slide in question. The easiest way is to work in Normal View (on the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click Normal). You can then work on either Slides or Outline tab: find and select the slide you want to delete and then press the delete key. You can select multiple slides by holding down the control key as you click on additional slides. If you press the delete key now, you will delete all the selected slides. If you have a group of slides that run in sequence, you can select them all by selecting the first one and then holding down the shift key whilst you click on the last slide.
    If you have many slides to delete, you may find it easier from an organizational point of view to work in Slide Sorter View (read all about PowerPoint Views). The same process applies: select single or multiple slides and then press the delete key.

    • Moving Slides In PowerPoint
    You've spent time planning how you want your presentation to look and you've painstakingly designed it's look and feel. You've taken great care with every stylish slide you've added. But oh oh, you know see that slide 6 actually belongs before slide 5! What do you do, start again from scratch? There is no need. All you have to do is move the slide. You can change the sequence of your slides by moving them around your presentation.
    To move a slide in your presentation, all you have to do is drag and drop it where you need it. As you drag the slide, you should see an insertion point that looks like either a horizontal or vertical line, depending on which PowerPoint view you are using, that tells you where your slide will appear.
    If you have many slides to move around, and want to get an overall view of how your slides are organized, using the Slide sorter view is your best option.
    You can move several slides around as a group by selecting them all first and then dragging and dropping them. To select multiple slides, hold down the control key on your keyboard as you click on additional slides. Alternatively, if the slides you need to select occur in an unbroken sequence, you can select the first slide and then hold down the shift key as you click on the last slide.

    Moving Slides With Keyboard Shortcuts

    Another way to move slides around is to cut and paste them. Select the slide(s) you want to move and then right click > Cut. Select the slide that is positioned before where you want the slide to go and then right click > Paste. The slide(s) will appear after the selected slide. If you want to speed things up, you can use keyboard shortcuts: select the slide you want to move, press ctrl-x to cut it and then ctrl-v to paste it.
    Dragging and dropping your slides is probably the easiest method to use.

    The Six Different PowerPoint Views

    There are 6 different views you can use to look at your PowerPoint presentation and each one has its advantages over the others. The default view in PowerPoint is normal view. This means that when you start PowerPoint, and as lond as you don't change the view, you will be working in Normal View. There are two place to change to a different view: at the top of the left side panel and at the bottom of the workspace to the right (next to the zoom slider). OK, make that three, as you can also see the presentation views on the View tab!
    To change to Slides View or Outline view, click the corresponding tab at the top of the left side panel:
    Slides View and Outline View
    To change to any of the other PowerPoint view, use the small toolbar at the bottom:
    Normal View, Slide Sorter View, Reading View, Slide Show
    Here is an explanation of how you should use the different views:
    PowerPoint ViewDescription
    Slides ViewThis is a great place to view the slides in your presentation as thumbnail-sized images while you edit. The thumbnails make it easy for you to navigate through your presentation and to see the effects of any design changes. You can also easily rearrange, add, or delete slides here
    Outline ViewThis is a great place to start writing your content, to capture your ideas, plan how you want to present them, and move slides and text around. The Outline tab shows your slide text in outline form.
    Normal ViewNormal view is the main editing view, where you write and design your presentations.
    Slide Sorter ViewSlide Sorter view gives you a view of your slides in thumbnail form. This view makes it easy for you to sort and organize the sequence of your slides as you create your presentation, and then also as you prepare your presentation for printing.
    Reading ViewUse reading view to deliver your presentation not to an audience (via a large screen, for example), but instead to someone viewing your presentation on their own computer. Or, use Reading view on your own computer when you want to view a presentation not in full-screen Slide Show view, but in a window with simple controls that make the presentation easy to review. You can always switch from Reading view to one of the other views if you want to change the presentation.
    Slide Show ViewUse Slide Show view to deliver your presentation to your audience. Slide Show view occupies the full computer screen, exactly like an actual presentation. In this view, you see your presentation the way your audience will. You can see how your graphics, timings, movies, animated effects, and transition effects will look during the actual presentation.

    • PowerPoint Background
    Creating A PowerPoint Background
    For the background to your PowerPoint presentation, you can specify the following:
    • A solid fill
    • A gradient fill
    • A picture or texture fill
    • A Pattern fill
    To change your presentation background, click Design > Background > Background Styles > Format Background. Alternatively, you can right click on a free area on a slide (and area that doesn't contain an object) and then select Format Background from there.
    You should now see the Format Background window.
    Format Background Window
    Ensure that the fill tab is selected (as in the image above) and then make changes according to what kind of background you want for your presentation.

    Solid Fill

    To specify a solid fill colour, ensure that the appropriate radio button is selected and then click on the Fill Colour swatch. A panel is displayed for you to select a colour.
    Fill Colour Swatch
    The colours in the main part of the grid are all theme colours, so if you select one, you can be pretty confident that the background will blend in well with the rest of the presentation's colours. At the bottom of the colour selection panel are standard colours and if you want even more colours to choose from, you can click More Colours at the bottom.

    Gradient Fill

    A gradient is the smooth transition of one colour into another.
    Gradient Fill
    When this option is selected, you can choose from a selection of ready made gradients by clicking on the Preset colours button. Alternatively, you can exercise more control by defining the gradient yourself. If you do this, you will need to tell PowerPoint whether the gradient is linear, radial, rectangular, path or shade from title. Additionally you will need to specify the gradient direction, angle, where the colours are positioned on the gradient (with the Gradient stops) and the properties of each colour in the gradient. These properties include what the colour is, how bright its is and also how transparent.

    Picture Or Texture Fill

    When specifying a picture or texture fill for your PowerPoint background, you are actually using a picture as the background.
    Picture Or Texture Fill
    PowerPoint comes with some built in textures you can use, or you can select an image that is stored on your hard drive. When you select an image in this way, you can choose to have the image appearing just once in the background, or to have it repeating like a texture. As you can see from the screenshot, there are many other attributes you can set that control the picture's appearance.

    Pattern Fill

    As with textures, PowerPoint ships with a selection of pre-made patterns that you can use as your background.
    Pattern Fill
    Patterns available for selection include dots, stripes, zig zags, brickwork and many more. You can specify whatever foreground and background colours you want to use.

    Resetting The PowerPoint Background

    If you decide to reset your background, but you've made so many changes that it would take too long to reverse each one, you can use the Reset Background button at the bottom of the Format Background window. You can also tell PowerPoint to apply the background you just designed to all slides in the presentation - using the Apply to All button. If you don't apply the background to all slides, then only the currently selected slide is affected.

    => PowerPoint Textbox

    Adding A Textbox In PowerPoint          

    When adding text to their PowerPoint presentations, many people limit themselves to using only the placeholder boxes that are present by default when you add a new slide. For example, when you add a title and content slide, there is always a title placeholder in which you will see the words "Click to add title" and a content placeholder that displays the words "Click to add text". It's then a simple case of clicking into each of those boxes and then typing your content.
    However, another way of adding text that gives you more flexibility over positioning is to add a textbox. Click Insert > Text > Text Box, and the cursor will change to this shape:
    Insert A Textbox In Microsoft PowerPoint Left click with the mouse and drag out the textbox. Once the text box has been drawn, you can start typing in it. When you drag out your initial text box, it retains it's width, but the height contracts temporarily to be the height of one line of text. When you type multiple lines, the height will adjust to fit, but the width of the textbox will remain fixed.
    This is what the textbox looks like:
    PowerPoint Textbox You can see resizing handles at each corner and also halfway along each edge. You can resize the textbox by clicking and dragging on any of those handles.

    Moving A Textbox In PowerPoint

    Moving a textbox around in PowerPoint is as easy as drag and drop. If you are not careful, though, you will end up dragging the resizing handles. The first thing you have to do is select the textbox as a whole. To do this position the cursor over one edge of the textbox until you see a double headed cursor.
    Select The Textbox When you see the cursor change shape, click on the box. When the textbox is selected, the dashed bounding lines become solid lines, as shown below.
    The Textbox Is Selected Now you can move the textbox around either by clicking and dragging with the mouse, or by pressing the arrow keys on your keyboard.
    Now that you've learnt how to add textboxes to your PowerPoint presentations, why not spice them up by inserting images.

    • Content Placeholders In PowerPoint

    In Microsoft PowerPoint, placeholders are boxes with dotted borders that contain content and reside within a slide layout. All built-in slide layouts that come with PowerPoint contain content placeholders. If you click on the bottom half of the New Slide button, PowerPoint displays all the slide layouts you can insert, and on each you can see content placeholders.
    Content Placeholders In PowerPoint
    If you insert a two content slide layout, for example, you will get three placeholders: one for the slide's title, and two for the content. To add you own text, click in a placeholder and start typing. You can style the text however you please, using the usual formatting options.
    But how does PowerPoint know what placeholders should appear on each slide? This is determined by the slide master. If you click View > Master Views > Slide Master, you can see all the slide layouts available for use in your presentation. The layout on each is controlled by, among other things, the content placeholders on them.
    Click on any slide layout to select it and you'll see the placeholders already present. You can add new placeholders by clicking Insert Placeholder in the Mater Layout group of the Slide Master tab. If you click the top half of the button, you'll add the same placeholder as you added last time, whereas if you click the bottom half, you get a choice of placeholders to add.
    Content Placeholders
    Usually, you won't add content placeholders to existing slide layouts (though you might). Placeholders are more useful when you create a new slide layout. We'll cover this in more detail in the Slide Master Tutorial.

    • Formatting Text In PowerPoint

    How To Format Text In PowerPoint

    Most of the time, you will probably leave the text you type in your PowerPoint presentation as it is, without formatting it. However, sometimes you might like to style certain pieces of text so that it stands out.
    To format some text, first of all select it. As you move the cursor, the mini toolbar appears as if by magic. The mini toolbar contains some of the more commonly used formatting commands that PowerPoint guesses you are likely to use. Using it, you can bold text, italicize it and do various other text formatting tasks, all at the click of a button. You will probably be familiar with all of the commands available on the mini toolbar, so we won't dwell on them.
    The Mini Toolbar In Microsoft PowerPoint
    If you want to apply more adventurous formatting, head over to the ribbon. When you select text, the Format contextual tab appears. On this tab are many different formatting functions. Let's get to grips with formatting text by running through a quick example.
    Let's increase the font size and bold some text. To do that, all we have to do is select the text and then press ctrl-b. To increase the font size incrementally, press ctrl-shift->. You can keep pressing it until you get the right size, or select a specific font size from the ribbon. Click on the Format contextual tab and then click on the More button in WordArt styles.
    WordArt Styles In Microsoft PowerPoint
    Pick a style that you like and click to apply it. Alternatively, hover over a style to see a live preview applied temporarily. When you move the mouse away from the style, the live preview is removed. This is what I came up with when I applied a WordArt style:
    Formatted Text In Microsoft PowerPoint
    That looks pretty good!

    => Graphics
    • Insert PowerPoint Image

    Inserting Images In PowerPoint

    To insert an image in PowerPoint, click Insert > Images. You can see hat there are four different types of image you can insert here, and we'll explore each one now.
    Insert PowerPoint Image
    Insert A Picture
    If you have an image, for example a photo you have taken, on your PC's hard drive, you would click on the Picture button. Then you would navigate to the place on your hard drive where the picture was located and either double click on it or select it and then click Insert.
    Insert Clip Art
    When you click the Clip Art button, the Clip Art panel opens on the right of the workspace.
    Insert Clip Art
    We can use this panel to search for Clip Art images of certain things. In the image above, I searched for "telephone" and found four related images. To narrow down the search, you can click on the Results should be drop down list and select one of the categories of:
    • Illustrations
    • Photographs
    • Videos
    • Audios
    To insert a Clip Art image, click on it.

    Searching Clip Art In PowerPoint

    PowerPoint provides a large selection of ready made Clip Art images. These images are simple in design but their use can really help get your point across in your presentation. One advantage of using Clip Art is that the collection of images is right there raedy for you to use. You don't have to go out and take photos for your presentation, and you don't have to touch Photoshop. When you click the Clip Art button, the Clip Art panel opens on the right of the workspace.
    Insert Clip Art
    We can use this panel to search for Clip Art images of certain things. In the image above, I searched for "telephone" and found four related images. To narrow down the saerch, you can click on the Results should be drop down list and select one of the categories of:
    • Illustrations
    • Photographs
    • Videos
    • Audios
    To insert a Clip Art image, click on it. You'll notice that the Picture Tools contextual tab appears in the ribbon to help you perform picture related tasks. This tab will remain visible as long as the item of Clip Art (or, indeed, any image) is selected.
    If there isn't a big enough selection of Clip Art images for you here, you can always check the Include Office.com content checkbox when you search. Additionally, you can visit the site yourself by clicking the link at the bottom of the panel.
    When you have finished working with Clip Art, you can close down the panel to reduce clutter by clicking the "x" in the top right corner.

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